
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Genetic Resources Program

CIAT’s Genetic Resources Program conserves large collections of beans and tropical forages as seed and whole plants, and cassava in vitro and as small plants.

Process of counting seeds before packaging in the CIAT genebank. <br/>Credit: Shawn Landersz
Process of counting seeds before packaging in the CIAT genebank. Photo: Shawn Landersz

Regeneration of beans and forages is undertaken by a specialised production group that makes use of advanced facilities to produce suitable quantities of high-quality seed that maintains the genetic integrity of the original accession.

The Genetic Resources Program is collaborating with researchers in the CGIAR HarvestPlus program to select bean varieties that offer increased iron for better nutrition. It is also working to find tolerance to cassava brown streak virus and with the Livestock-Plus program of CGIAR to improve Brachiaria as a fodder plant.

The Germplasm Health Unit has a staff of nine. For beans and forages, the GHU examines seed for the presence of pathogens and pests, while for cassava, samples of which are generally produced in vitro, the focus is on virus indexing.

Key Staff

Genebank Manager: Peter Wenzl, Genetic Resources Program Leader
Head of Germplasm Health Unit: Maritza Cuervo Ibáñez
Key staff: Luis G. Santos, Coordinator of seed conservation; Ericson Aranzales, Coordinator of tissue culture.


External links

Search Genesys for accessions at CIAT

Key performance indicators of CGIAR genebanks, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.

Genebank operations, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data
Beans1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......37,93837,93837,938
Beans2. Number accessions received32026304030360000
Beans3. Number accessions regenerated1,7762691472474,82660259929720700
Beans4. Number accessions multiplied3631,8872,1884,8503033,6803,4213,4861,010751
Beans5. Number accessions health tested1,9738901,3752,2352,9802,6244,8704,7961,7901,506
Beans6. Number accessions cleaned1,4977461,2681,9872,7832,4290
Beans7. Number accessions viability tested5,3578894,8805,8862,9806,6176,2486,9434,6174,689
Cassava1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......6,1555,9675,967
Cassava2. Number accessions received5162505715200000
Cassava3. Number accessions regenerated01,000005001,5008001,83000
Cassava4. Number accessions multiplied6,6324,1993,6614,0983,6924,6645,5005,7635,6016,164
Cassava5. Number accessions health tested5,7091,0531,4581,8172,3784,4591,8351,2171,376538
Cassava6. Number accessions cleaned01,0111,2022001,271078259694154
Cassava7. Number accessions viability tested0000000
Forages1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......22,69422,69422,694
Forages2. Number accessions received0000000000
Forages3. Number accessions regenerated03575784122,0734321313827117
Forages4. Number accessions multiplied2,4641,1608641,90005901,1451,36324832
Forages5. Number accessions health tested1,7701,4957851,7441,6851,2661,1722,444650504
Forages6. Number accessions cleaned11,3211,1036041,4231,3789360
Forages7. Number accessions viability tested1,6841,4702,8742,3691,6853,2092,8902,7531,622859

Number of samples distributed to users within and outside the CGIAR, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
1. Total number external germplasm requests1,1871381051431589673864143

Genebank Platform publications, 2017-2020

Recent publications with at least one CGIAR genebank staff as author. HINT: Use the search key to filter the data.
AuthorsArticle titlePublication nameURL
Debouck, D.G., Araya-Villalobos, R., Chavez-Barrantes, N.Phaseolus angucianae (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae), a new bean species from Fila Cruces of Southeastern Costa Rica.Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of TexasREAD
Jimenez, J., Carvajal-Yepes, M., Leiva, A.M., Cruz, M., Elena Romero, L., Bolaños, C.A., Lozano, I., Cuellar, W.J.Complete genome sequence of rice hoja blanca tenuivirus Isolated from a susceptible rice cultivar in Colombia.Microbiology Resource AnnouncementsREAD
Visioni, A., Kehel, Z.Genome wide association mapping of seedling and adult plant resistance to barley stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei) in India.Frontiers in Plant ScienceREAD
Norton, G.J., Travis , A.J., Douglas, A., Fairley, S., De Paiva Alves, E., Naredo, E., McNally, K.L., Sumon, M., Islam, R., Price, A.H.Genome wide association mapping of grain and straw biomass traits in the rice Bengal and Assam Aus Panel (BAAP) grown under alternate wetting and drying and permanently flooded irrigation.Frontiers in Plant ScienceREAD
Lee, J.S., Wissuwa, M., Zamora, O.B., Ismail, A.M. Novel sources of aus rice to zinc deficiency tolerance identified through association analysis using high- density SNP array.Rice ScienceREAD
Lee, J.S., Kwak, J., Yoon, M.R., Lee, J.S., Hay F.R.Contrasting tocol ratios associated with seed longevity in rice variety groups.Seed Science ResearchREAD
Lozano, I., Leiva, A. M., Jimenez, J., Fernandez, E., Carvajal-Yepes, M., Cuervo, M., Cuellar, W. J.Resolution of cassava-infecting alphaflexiviruses: Molecular and biological characterization of a novel group of potexviruses lacking the TGB3 gene.Virus ResearchREAD
Varshney, R., Saxena, R.,Upadhyaya, H., Khan, A., Yu, Y., Kim, C., Rathore, A., Kim, D., Kim, J., An, S., Kumar, V., Anuradha, G., Narasimhan Yamini, K., Zhang, S., Muniswamy, W., Kim, J., Penmetsa, R., von Wettberg, E., Datta, S.Whole-genome resequencing of 292 pigeonpea accessions identifies genomic regions associated with domestication and agronomic traits.Nature GeneticsREAD
Ramakrishnan, M., Antony Ceasar,S., Vinod,K. K. V., Duraipandiyan,V. T. P., Ajeesh Krishna,T. P., Upadhyaya, H., Al-Dhabi, N. A., Ignacimuthu, S.Identification of putative QTLs for seedling stage phosphorus starvation response in finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) by association mapping and cross species synteny analysis.Plos OneREAD
Shimray, P.W., Bajaj, D., Srivastava, R., Daware, Av, Upadhyaya, H.D., Kumar, R., Bharadwaj, C., Tyagi, A.K., Parida, S.K.Identifying transcription factor genes associated with yield traits in chickpea.Plant Molecular Biology ReporterREAD
Debouck, D.G.; Chavez-Barrantes, N. and Araya-Villalobos, R.New records of Phaseolus microcarpus (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae) for Costa Rica.Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of TexasREAD
Guevara-Ohara, J.E., C.I. Cardozo-Conde, L.G. Santos-Meléndez.Tolerancia a la desecación y almacenamiento de la semilla de guayaba (Psidium guajava).Agronomía CostarricenseREAD
Carvajal-Yepes, Monica; Cardwell, K. ; Nelson, A. ; Garrett, K. A.; Giovani, B. ; Saunders, D.G.O.; Kamoun, S.; Legg, J.P.; Verdier, V.; Lessel, J.; Neher, R. A.; Day, R.; Pardey, P.; Gullino, M.L.; Records, A.R.; Bextine, B.; Leach, J.E.; Staiger, Simone & Tohme, Joe.A global surveillance system for crop diseases.ScienceREAD
Gonzalez-Guzman, J.J., Debouck, D.G. and Wenzl, P.Multipurpose leguminous trees for the lowland tropics in CIAT’s genebank.Legume PerspectivesREAD
Beebe, S.E., D.G. Debouck.Common beans and lima beans in the northern Andes: evolutionary riddles and potential utility.Annual Report Bean Improvement CooperativeREAD
Hart, J.P., A.G. Vargas, J.S. Beaver, D.G. Debouck, T.G. Porch.Genotyping the ex situ genetic resources of wild and cultivated tepary bean.Annual Report Bean Improvement CooperativeREAD
Cherotich Sheillah, Njuguna Jane, Muchugi Alice, Muthamia Japhet, Otaye Daniel, Graziosi Ignazio and Kinyanjui Zakayo.Botryosphaeriaceae associated with baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and marula (Sclerocarya birrea A. Rich.) in agroforestry systems in KenyaAfrican Journal of Plant ScienceREAD
Jae-Sung Lee, Jieun Kwak, Jun-Hyeon Cho, Dmytro Chebotarov, Mi-Ra Yoon, Jeom-Sig Lee, N. Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton, Fiona R. HayA high proportion of beta-tocopherol in vitamin E is associated with poor seed longevity in rice produced under temperate conditionsPlant Genetic ResourcesREAD
Ezekiel Ahn, Zhenbin Hu, Ramasamy Perumal, Louis K. Prom, Gary Odvody, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Clint MagillGenome wide association analysis of sorghum mini core lines regarding anthracnose, downy mildew, and head smutPLoS OneREAD
Ramirez-Villegas, J.; Khoury, C.K.; Achicanoy, H.A.; Mendez, A.C.; Diaz, M.V.; Sosa, C C.; Debouck, D.G.; Kehel, Z.; Guarino, L.A gap analysis modelling framework to prioritize collecting for ex situ conservation of crop landraces.Diversity and DistributionsREAD
Wang, Z.; Wang, X.; Zhang, H.; Ma, L.; Zhao, H.; Jones C.S.; Chen, J.; Liu G.A genome-wide association study approach to the identification of candidate genes underlying agronomic traits in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)Plant Biotechnology JournalREAD
Schultze-Kraft, R.; Peters, M.; Wenzl, P.A historical appraisal of the tropical forages collection conserved at CIAT.Genetic ResourcesREAD
R. Prabu, C. Vanniarajan, M. Vetriventhan, R. P. Gnanamalar, R. Shanmughasundaram & J. RamalingamAssociation studies in barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea (Roxb.) Link) for early maturity and yield contributing traits at high altitude regionElectronic Journal of Plant BreedingREAD
Debouck, D.G.; Rodríguez-Quiel, E.Avances sobre los recursos genéticos de frijol (Phaseolus sp.) en Panamá.Ciencia AgropecuariaREAD
Guevara Ohara, J.E.; Cardozo Conde, C.I.; Santos Meléndez, L.G.Caracterización morfo-anatómica y protocolo para estimar la viabilidad de semillas de Psidium guajava.Acta AgronómicaREAD
Lai, D., A.B. Maimann, E. Macea, C.H. Ocampo, G. Cardona, M. Picmanová, B. Darbani, C.E. Olsen, D.G. Debouck, B. Raatz, B Lindberg Møller & F. Rook.Biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides in Phaseolus lunatus and the evolution of oxime-based defenses.Plant DirectREAD
Salazar, D.E.; Santos, L.G.; Wenzl, P.; Hay, F.R.Effect of dry heat on seed germination of Desmodium and Stylosanthes species.Seed Science and TechnologyREAD
Caproni, L.; Raggi, L.; Talsma, E.F.; Wenzl, P.; Negri, V.European landrace diversity for common bean biofortification: a genome-wide association study.Scientific ReportREAD
Betancourth, C.; Salomón, C.; Montaño, S.; Salazar, C.; Uribe, P.; Martínez, A.; Muñoz, L.; Cuervo, M.First report of Sugarcane mosaic virus in achira (Canna edulis Ker.) in Nariño, Colombia.Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación CientificaREAD
Habte, E., Muktar, M.S., Abdena, A., Hanson, J., Sartie, A.M., Negawo, A.T., Machado, J.C., Ledo, F.J.S. & Jones, C.SForage performance and detection of marker trait associations with potential for Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) improvementAgronomyREAD
Lee, Jae-Sung, Jieun Kwak, & Fiona R. HayGenetic markers associated with seed longevity and vitamin E in diverse Aus rice varietiesSeed Science ResearchREAD
Tamiru, A., Paliwal, R., Manthi, S.J. et al.Genome wide association analysis of a stemborer egg induced “call-for-help” defence trait in maizeSci RepREAD
Muhammad Massub Tehseen, Fatma Aykut Tonk, Muzaffer Tosun, Ahmed Amri, Carolina P. Sansaloni, Ezgi Kurtulus, Mariana Yazbek, Khaled Al-Sham’aa, Izzet Ozseven, Luqman Bin Safdar, Ali Shehadeh, Kumarse NazariGenome-wide association study of resistance to PstS2 and Warrior races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (stripe rust) in bread wheat landracesThe plant GenomeREAD
Halewood, Michael, Nelissa Jamora, Isabel Noriega, Noelle Anglin, Peter Wenzl, Thomas Payne, Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop, Luigi Guarino, P. Kumar, Mariana Yazbek, Alice Muchugi, Vania Azevedo, Marimagne Tchamba, Chris Jones, Ramaiah Venuprasad, Nicolas Roux,Germplasm Acquisition and Distribution by CGIAR GenebanksPlantsREAD
Xing, Y.; Hernández Nopsa, J.F.; Andersen, K.F.; Andrade-Piedra, J.L.; Beed, F.; Blomme, G.; Carvajal-Yepes, M.; Coyne, D.; Cuéllar, W.; Forbes, G.; Kreuze, J.F.; Kroschel, J.; Kumar, P.L.; Legg, J.P.; Parker, M.; Schulte-Geldermann, E.; Sharma, K.; GarreGlobal cropland connectivity: A risk factor for invasion and saturation by emerging pathogens and pests.BioScience.READ
McCouch, S. , Navabi, K. , Abberton, M. , Anglin, N. L. , Barbieri, R. L.* , Baum, M. , Bett, K. , Booker, H. , Brown, G. L. , Bryan, G. L. , Cattivelli, L. , Charest, D. , Eversole, K. , Freitas, M. , Ghamkhar, K. , Grattapaglia, D.* , Henry, R. , InglisMobilizing Crop BiodiversityMolecular PlantREAD
Debouck, D.G., N. Chaves-Barrantes & R. Araya-Villalobos.Phaseolus albicarminus (Leguminosae, Phaseoleae), a new wild bean species from the subhumid forests of southern central Costa Rica.PhytotaxaREAD
Oluwole OO, Olomitutu OE, Paliwal R, Oyatomi OA, Abberton MT, Obembe OO.Preliminary Assessment of the Association between DArT-SEQ SNP and some Nutritional Traits in African Yam Bean.Trop J Nat Prod Res rel=noopener" target="_blank">READ
Sellitti, S.; Vaiknoras, K.; Smale, M.; Jamora, N.; Andrade, R.; Wenzl, P.; Labarta, R.The contribution of the CIAT genebank to the development of iron-biofortified bean varieties and well-being of farm households in Rwanda.Food SecurityREAD
Sansaloni, C., Franco, J., Santos, B. … Kehel, Z, … et al. Diversity analysis of 80,000 wheat accessions reveals consequences and opportunities of selection footprints.Nature CommunicationsREAD