
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Genetic Resources Section

ICARDA manages diverse collections of barley and wheat, grain legumes and forages, mostly traditional landraces and wild species from the Fertile Crescent.

GRS website

Once working out of Syria, the genebank has relocated to Morocco and Lebanon in the past years. Morocco stores cultivated species of wheat, barley, chickpea and lentil while Lebanon stores faba bean and grasspea and wild relatives of cereals and legumes. The genebank also holds more than 1,380 accessions of Rhizobium strains, vital for enabling legumes to make use of atmospheric nitrogen and increase soil fertility.

The ICARDA genebank helped develop a new methodology, known as Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS), to give breeders and other researchers a better chance to find useful traits within a large number of accessions. The Genetic Resources Section also conducts pre-breeding activities, for example the introgression of genes from wild species to help broaden the genetic base of wheat.

ICARDA has built a unique capacity to regenerate crop wild relatives with more than 200 isolation cages in Lebanon.

The genebank has also re-established the capacity to carry out routine germplasm health testing.


Faba bean
Forage grasses
Forage legumes

Key performance indicators of CGIAR genebanks, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
Barley1. Total number of accessions30,45431,76131,96132,30532,56032,78832,79031,39232,52232,479
Barley2. Total number of accessions that are currently available24,27824,25324,25324,14724,14724,25925,11319,21130,19430,415
Barley3. Number of seed accessions30,45431,76131,96132,30532,56032,78832,79031,39232,52232,479
Barley4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Barley5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Barley6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels25,89029,06529,07520,78620,78615,44012,26317,13915,85719,885
Barley7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Barley8. Number of wild species accessions8331,2401,5751,8071,807
Chickpea1. Total number of accessions14,48414,90615,31615,74215,74215,74915,74913,22915,38615,386
Chickpea2. Total number of accessions that are currently available8,7808,7258,7259,0939,0939,54310,5998,4539,54611,030
Chickpea3. Number of seed accessions14,48414,90615,31615,74215,74215,74915,74913,22915,38615,386
Chickpea4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Chickpea5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Chickpea6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels10,47610,47610,4766,3406,3402,0354,9056,5295,2154,785
Chickpea7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Chickpea8. Number of wild species accessions1212112315315
Faba Bean1. Total number of accessions9,54210,00210,02910,03310,03310,03410,0348,7369,6549,654
Faba bean2. Total number of accessions that are currently available2,8661,7061,7061,7071,7071,7072,5832,0112,5272,807
Faba bean3. Number of seed accessions9,54210,00210,02910,03310,03310,03410,0348,7369,6549,654
Faba bean4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Faba bean5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Faba bean6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels6,0606,0606,7154,6104,6116888161,7041,8241,633
Faba bean7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Faba bean8. Number of wild species accessions----
Forages1. Total number of accessions24,88025,82826,50127,63928,74729,05329,00824,63227,15026,867
Forages2. Total number of accessions that are currently available5,9885,9885,98811,14011,14011,14011,0724,5777,3796,300
Forages3. Number of seed accessions24,88025,82826,50127,63928,74729,05329,00824,63227,15026,867
Forages4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Forages5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Forages6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels14,91314,91315,87015,98015,8697,5347,7522,8563,0795,056
Forages7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Forages8. Number of wild species accessions-8,3512,8954,7875,629
Grasspea1. Total number of accessions3,9964,1804,2204,2664,2894,4514,4513,9924,5014,412
Grasspea2. Total number of accessions that are currently available1,6461,6461,6462,7142,7142,3583,1272,7583,1883,161
Grasspea3. Number of seed accessions3,9964,1804,2204,2664,2894,4514,4513,9924,5014,412
Grasspea4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Grasspea5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Grasspea6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels2,4342,4342,4343913911,2632,0462,4852,8782,387
Grasspea7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Grasspea8. Number of wild species accessions1,5191,0998581,1521,246
Lentil1. Total number of accessions11,08312,46312,47713,90314,51214,59714,59713,12814,35014,368
Lentil2. Total number of accessions that are currently available9,6119,6309,6309,5339,5339,79111,9409,17610,83410,889
Lentil3. Number of seed accessions11,08312,46312,47713,90314,51214,59714,59713,12814,35014,368
Lentil4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Lentil5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Lentil6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels10,77510,77510,7755,9225,9221,9014,0536,8288,3008,300
Lentil7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Lentil8. Number of wild species accessions150184515613613
Pea1. Total number of accessions6,1066,1066,1136,1156,1216,1316,1324,1594,5964,596
Pea2. Total number of accessions that are currently available1,8651,8671,8671,7801,7801,7802,8113,5563,8433,839
Pea3. Number of seed accessions6,1066,1066,1136,1156,1216,1316,1324,1594,5964,596
Pea4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Pea5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Pea6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels3,8403,7963,7963,7963,7961411412,3152,4852,493
Pea7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Pea8. Number of wild species accessions22496629797
Wheat1. Total number of accessions40,38841,10641,25542,21743,20143,91843,92340,84344,45044,026
Wheat2. Total number of accessions that are currently available32,72432,22332,22332,07632,07632,37933,45933,96039,17839,594
Wheat3. Number of seed accessions40,38841,10641,25542,21743,20143,91843,92340,84344,45044,026
Wheat4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Wheat5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Wheat6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels36,32737,28937,30519,67119,67116,94222,99527,36223,26929,872
Wheat7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Wheat8. Number of wild species accessions4,8115,4774,5325,8415,867

Genebank operations, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data
Barley1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......32,79032,79032,451
Barley2. Number accessions received7726682473442181490281640
Barley3. Number accessions regenerated239013300000
Barley4. Number accessions multiplied3,7327781,9451,6674,8405,0706,2954,43312,054775
Barley5. Number accessions health tested03,6921,2738419875,0926,5404,6803,7749,815
Barley6. Number accessions cleaned003037000
Barley7. Number accessions viability tested0002148192,4991,7942,9703,5995,369
Chickpea1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......15,74915,74915,368
Chickpea2. Number accessions received36557242606014590
Chickpea3. Number accessions regenerated870020000000
Chickpea4. Number accessions multiplied993207351,5413,2973,3413,5714,7531,4923,253
Chickpea5. Number accessions health tested04771121612,2743,3522,5253,351
Chickpea6. Number accessions cleaned00000000
Chickpea7. Number accessions viability tested000049701,8011,4407632,596
Faba bean1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......16,59610,0349,654
Faba bean2. Number accessions received21524575118000140
Faba bean3. Number accessions regenerated5650000000-
Faba bean4. Number accessions multiplied3701788827581,0408728811,0221,5131,056
Faba bean5. Number accessions health tested051670441341,6781,3842591,405
Faba bean6. Number accessions cleaned000070251,330
Faba bean7. Number accessions viability tested0000005711,3193421,432
Forages1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......26,89733,44627,014
Forages2. Number accessions received1,4041871,4651,1380455002210
Forages3. Number accessions regenerated000001260--
Forages4. Number accessions multiplied2,3527172988331,5598564,1844,6341,6533,328
Forages5. Number accessions health tested4,11134900004,1846132,4621,340
Forages6. Number accessions cleaned000000001,327
Forages7. Number accessions viability tested00005104341,6193,6331,828
Grasspea1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......004,412
Grasspea2. Number accessions received1761464461918000920
Grasspea3. Number accessions regenerated000000000
Grasspea4. Number accessions multiplied360344415931,1741,077960385505322
Grasspea5. Number accessions health tested61164600000286399433
Grasspea6. Number accessions cleaned0000000419
Grasspea7. Number accessions viability tested0000344009951,488325
Lentil1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......14,59714,59714,337
Lentil2. Number accessions received621753232,03201000437624
Lentil3. Number accessions regenerated98027500000
Lentil4. Number accessions multiplied424378471404,8723,8203,6273,8282,1223,450
Lentil5. Number accessions health tested06102071102,0162,2232,6141,586477
Lentil6. Number accessions cleaned00000000
Lentil7. Number accessions viability tested000027603,2986551,8472,056
Pea1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......6,1326,1324,596
Pea2. Number accessions received11162680060
Pea3. Number accessions regenerated000000000
Pea4. Number accessions multiplied0328987662,4991,169439166
Pea5. Number accessions health tested05518900002,4731,296433
Pea6. Number accessions cleaned00000000413
Pea7. Number accessions viability tested000010833,6461,449228
Wheat1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......43,92343,92144,026
Wheat2. Number accessions received3375832289629242690361,0750
Wheat3. Number accessions regenerated867028500000
Wheat4. Number accessions multiplied8171822,3364,29715,5329,63611,0708,6536,6942,134
Wheat5. Number accessions health tested01,6236426,86676613,76010,0179,2333,4553,897
Wheat6. Number accessions cleaned00000000
Wheat7. Number accessions viability tested0007113,8542,8694,8952,49511,8890

Number of samples distributed to users within and outside the CGIAR, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
All crops1. Total number external germplasm requests29284224354535477482
Barley2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR23,1311,8630361270251776604351
Barley3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR35672,1428671,0515,5237644041,5452,155
Barley4. Total number of samples distributed53,6984,0058671,4125,7931,0151,1802,1492,506
Barley5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR2493,1311,0050344270239772604351
Barley6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR7305321,2648376885,4987644041,5452,155
Barley7. Total number of accessions distributed9793,6632,2698371,0325,7681,0031,1762,1492,506
Barley8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA7644041,5452,148
Barley9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA3,8627503951,4871,794
Chickpea2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR31,4771,06053510692156310
Chickpea3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR04011015926420211504943
Chickpea4. Total number of samples distributed31,4811,060163210264712367535943
Chickpea5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR1029677295351069278310
Chickpea6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR04011015926420211504943
Chickpea7. Total number of accessions distributed102971729163210264712289535943
Chickpea8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA20211504940
Chickpea9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA17920206467873
Faba bean2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR2670166000002519
Faba bean3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR04004112932142136316
Faba bean4. Total number of samples distributed267416604112932142161335
Faba bean5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR141670166000002519
Faba bean6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR04004112832142136316
Faba bean7. Total number of accessions distributed14167416604112832142161335
Faba bean8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA32142136316
Faba bean9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA12832142117304
Forages2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR916700000970227
Forages3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR830000081785124
Forages4. Total number of samples distributed171700000091485351
Forages5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR7415700000970193
Forages6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR81730000081785124
Forages7. Total number of accessions distributed8911600000091485317
Forages8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA081785124
Forages9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA0081785124
Grasspea2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR108168292000260750131
Grasspea3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR31500000383080
Grasspea4. Total number of samples distributed111183292000260113308131
Grasspea5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR2,668168292000257750118
Grasspea6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR611500000383080
Grasspea7. Total number of accessions distributed2,729183292000257113308118
Grasspea8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA0383080
Grasspea9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA00383030
Lentil2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR64591,02400228680531
Lentil3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR01162061085241602633111,174
Lentil4. Total number of samples distributed64601,0402061085461,0282633161,205
Lentil5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR26143488400228680528
Lentil6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR0682061085241602633111,174
Lentil7. Total number of accessions distributed2614408922061085461,0282633161,202
Lentil8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA1602633111,172
Lentil9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA454156237264967
Pea2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR00396000000154
Pea3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR255000005642120
Pea4. Total number of samples distributed25539600005642274
Pea5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR00188000000133
Pea6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR4755000005642105
Pea7. Total number of accessions distributed475518800005642238
Pea8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA05642105
Pea9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA00464255
Wheat2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR53,8173,6046,5723,067354,1980453112
Wheat3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR61,8991,0641,2007681,6495,7341,6562,3811,988
Wheat4. Total number of samples distributed115,7164,6687,7723,8351,6849,9321,6562,8342,100
Wheat5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR2,7552,6411,9366,5723,067354,1980453112
Wheat6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR1,4821,6086336,8497561,6495,7341,6562,3811,988
Wheat7. Total number of accessions distributed4,2374,2492,56913,4213,8231,6849,9321,6562,8342,100
Wheat8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA5,7341,6562,3811,987
Wheat9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA1,4915,2941,5892,2161,942

Genebank Platform publications, 2017-2020

Recent publications with at least one CGIAR genebank staff as author. HINT: Use the search key to filter the data.
AuthorsArticle titlePublication nameURL
Anglin, N., Amri, A., Kehel, Z., Elis, D.A case of need: Linking traits to genebank accessions.Biopreservation and BiobankingREAD
Visioni, A., Kehel, Z.Genome wide association mapping of seedling and adult plant resistance to barley stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei) in India.Frontiers in Plant ScienceREAD
Hamwieh, A., F. Alo, S. Ahmed. Molecular tools developed for disease resistant genes in wheat, barley, lentil and chickpea: A review.Arab Journal of Plant ProtectionREAD
Alo, F., Al-Saaid, W., Baum, M., Alatwani, H. and Amri, A.Slow rusting of bread wheat landraces to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici under artificial field inoculation.Arab Journal of Plant ProtectionREAD
Alo, F., Alsaaid, W., Amri., A.Identification of molecular markers for the detection of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. Sp. tritici) resistance genes in three bread wheat cultivar using molecular marker.Aleppo University Research MagazineREAD
Alo, F., Alsaaid, W., Amri., A.Evaluation of bread wheat landraces for resistance to yellow rust under artificial field inoculation.Aleppo University Research MagazineREAD
Soubra, N., Yazbek, M., Noun, J., Talhouk, R., Tanios, S., and Karam, N.Evaluation of diversity and conservation status of Matricaria chamomilla (L.) and Matricaria aurea (Loefl.) Sch. Bip. in Lebanon.J Biodivers Endanger Species READ
Ben Ghanem, H., Najar, A., Udupa, S., Kumari, S.G., Amri, A., Rezgui, S., El Felah, M., Tsivelikas, A.Exploiting intra-cultivar variation to select for Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) resistance in barley.Canadian Journal of Plant ScienceREAD
Ben Ghanem, H., El Felah, M., Najar, A., Kehel, Z., Amri, A., Rezgui, S., Tsivelikas, A.Performance of barley lines selected under drought stressed conditions and ultra-low density.Tunisian Journal of Plant ProtectionREAD
Lopez Noriega, I., Halewood, M., Abberton, M., Ajeigbe, H.; Amri, A., Angarawai, I., Anglin, N., Asiedu, R., Bänziger, M., Birol, E., Blummel, M., Boddupalli, M. P., Bouman, B., Campos, H., Carberry, P., Costich, D., Duveiller, E., Ellis, D., Falcon, R., Gangashetty, P., Gaur, P., Guarino, L., Hanson, J., Hugues, J., Jamnadass, R., Kommerell, V., Kumar, L., Lusty, C., Muchiga, A., Ndjiondjop, MN., Nebie, B., Ortiz, O., Payne, T., Peters, M., Popova, E., Randolph, T.F., Rao, G., Rao, H., Roa, C., Sackville-Hamilton, R., Saethre, M.G., Sara, R., Tabo, R., Tchamba, M., Upadhyaya, H., Watson, D., Yazbek, M. and Wenzl, P.CGIAR operations under the Plant Treaty framework.Crop Science READ
Kabbaj, H., Sall, A.T., Al-Abdallat, A., Geleta, M., Amri, A., Filali-Maltouf, A., Belkadi, B., Ortiz, R., Bassi, F.M.Genetic diversity within a global panel of durum wheat (Triticum durum) landraces and modern germplasm reveals the history of alleles exchange.Frontier Plant ScienceREAD
Zaim, M., El Hassouni, K., Gamba, F.F., Filali-Maltouf, A., Belkadi, B., Sourour, A., Amri, A., Nachit, M., Taghouti, M., Bassi, F.M.Wide crosses of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) reveal good disease resistance, yield stability, and industrial quality across Mediterranean sites.Field Crops ResearchREAD
Lala, S., Amri, A., Maxted, N.Towards the conservation of crop wild relative diversity in North Africa: Checklist, prioritisation and inventory.Genetic Resources and Crop EvolutionREAD
Amezrou, R., Gyawali, S., Belqadi, L., Chao, S., Arbaoui, M., Mamidi, S, Rehman, S., Sreedasyam, A., Verma, R.P.S.Molecular and phenotypic diversity of ICARDA spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) collection.Genetic Resources and Crop EvolutionREAD
Delventhal, R., Rajaraman, J., Stefanato, F., Rehman, S., Aghnoum, R., McGrann, G., Bolger, M., Usadel, B., Hedley, P., Boyd, L., Niks, R. E., Schweizer, P., Schaffrath, U.A comparative analysis of non-host resistance across the two Triticeae crop species wheat and barley.BMC Plant BiologyREAD
Gyawali, S., Verma, R.P.S., Kumar, S., Bhardwaj, S.C., Gangwar, O., Rajan, S., Shekhawat, P., Rehman, S., Sharma-Poudyal, D.Seedling and adult-plant stage resistance of a world collection of barley genotypes to stripe rust.Journal of PhytopathologyREAD
Chaabane, R., Saidi, A., Bchini, H., Sassi, M., Rouissi, M., Naceur, A.B., Sayouri, S., Naceur, M.B., Masanori, I., Bari, A., Amri, A.Identification of durum wheat salt tolerance sources in elite Tunisian varieties and a targeted FIGS subset from ICARDA gene bank: Non-destructive and easy way.American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)READ
Robbana, C., and Kehel, Z., Ben Naceur, M., and Sansaloni, C., Bassi, F., and Amri, AhmedGenome-Wide Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Tunisian Durum Wheat Landraces Based on DArTseq TechnologyInt. J. Mol. Sci.READ
Pawan, KS., Sukhwinder, S., Zhiying, D., Xinyao, H., Kehel, Z., and Singh, R.Characterization of QTLs for Seedling Resistance to Tan Spot and Septoria Nodorum Blotch in the PBW343/Kenya Nyangumi Wheat Recombinant Inbred Lines PopulationInt. J. Mol. Sci.READ
Ghanem, M., Kehel, K., Marrou, M., Sinclair, TSeasonal and climatic variation of weighted VPD for transpiration estimationEuropean Journal of AgronomyREAD
Al Beyrouthy, J., Karam, N., Al-Zein, M.S., M. Yazbek.Ecogeographic Survey and Gap Analysis for Medicago L. species in Lebanon.Genet Resour Crop EvolREAD
Sajid Rehman, Sanjaya Gyawali, Ahmed Amri and Ramesh VermaFirst Report of spot blotch of barley caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana in MoroccoPlant DiseaseREAD
Mehraj Abbasov, Carolina Paola Sansaloni, Juan Burgueño, César Daniel Petroli, Zeynal Akparov, Naib Aminov, Sevda Babayeva, Vusala Izzatullayeva, Elchin Hajiyev, Khanbala Rustamov, Sevinj Amir Mammadova, Ahmed Amri and Thomas PayneGenetic diversity analysis using DArTseq and SNP markers in populations of Aegilops species from AzerbaijanGenet Resour Crop EvolREAD
Holly Vincent, Ahmed Amri, Nora P. Castañeda-Álvarez, Hannes Dempewolf, Ehsan Dulloo, Luigi Guarino, David Hole, Chikelu Mba, Alvaro Toledo & Nigel Maxted.Modeling of crop wild relative species identifies areas globally for in situ conservation.Communications BiologyREAD
Ramirez-Villegas, J.; Khoury, C.K.; Achicanoy, H.A.; Mendez, A.C.; Diaz, M.V.; Sosa, C C.; Debouck, D.G.; Kehel, Z.; Guarino, L.A gap analysis modelling framework to prioritize collecting for ex situ conservation of crop landraces.Diversity and DistributionsREAD
Badreddine Sijilmassi, Abdelkarim Filali-Maltouf, Hassan Boulahyaoui, Aymane Kricha, Kenza Boubekri, Sripada Udupa, Shiv Kumar & Ahmed AmriAssessment of Genetic Diversity and Symbiotic Efficiency of Selected Rhizobia Strains Nodulating Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)PlantsREAD
Ramirez-Villegas, J., Milan, A. M., Alexandrov, N., Assesng, S., Chanillor, A. J., Kehel, Z, … Reynolds, M.CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Accelerating crop breeding for a changing climate. Crop Science, 60.Crop ScienceREAD
Kallow, S.; Longin, K.; Fanega Sleziak, N.; Janssens, S.B.; Vandelook, F.; Dickie, J.; Swennen, R.; Paofa, J.; Carpentier, S.; Panis, B. Challenges for ex situ conservation of wild bananas: seeds collected in Papua New Guinea have variable levels of desiccation tolerancePlantsREAD
Zaïm Meryem, Kabbaj Hafssa, Kehel Zakaria, Gorjanc Gregor, Filali-Maltouf Abdelkarim, Belkadi Bouchra, Nachit Miloudi M., Bassi Filippo M.Combining QTL Analysis and Genomic Predictions for Four Durum Wheat Populations Under Drought ConditionsFrontiers in GeneticsREAD
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I. Farouk, A. Alsaleh, Jihan, F. Gaboun, B. Belkadi, A.F. Maltouf, Z. Kehel, I. Elouafi, N. Nsarellah, D. Habash, M.M. NachitDissection of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), annotation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), and Identification of Candidate Genes for Grain Yield in Triticum turgidum L. var durumAdvances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems JournalREAD
Adegboyega, T. T. , Abberton, M. , Abdelgadir, A. H. , Dianda, M. , Maziya-Dixon, B. , Oyatomi, O. , Ofodile, S. , Babalola, O. O.* in:Evaluation of nutritional and antinutritional properties of African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (hochst ex. A. rich.) harms.)Journal of Food QualityREAD
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Raubach, Sebastian, Benjamin Kilian, Kate Dreher, Ahmed Amri, Filippo M. Bassi, Ousmane Boukar, Douglas Cook, Alan Cruickshank, Christian Fatokun, Noureddine El Haddad, Alan Humphries, David Jordan, Zacharia Kehel, Shiv Kumar, Sandy Jan Labarosa, Loi HuuFrom bits to bites: Advancement of the Germinate platform to support genetic resources collections and pre‐breeding informatics for crop wild relativesCrop ScienceREAD
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McCouch, S. , Navabi, K. , Abberton, M. , Anglin, N. L. , Barbieri, R. L.* , Baum, M. , Bett, K. , Booker, H. , Brown, G. L. , Bryan, G. L. , Cattivelli, L. , Charest, D. , Eversole, K. , Freitas, M. , Ghamkhar, K. , Grattapaglia, D.* , Henry, R. , InglisMobilizing Crop BiodiversityMolecular PlantREAD
El Hanafi, S., Bendaou, N., Kehel, Z. et al.Phenotypic evaluation of elite spring bread wheat genotypes for hybrid potential traits. Euphytica 216, 168 (2020).EuphyticaREAD
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Ghanem, M., Kehel, Z., Marrou, M., Sinclair, T.Seasonal and climatic variation of weighted VPD for transpiration estimation. European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 113, 2020, 125966.European Journal of AgronomyREAD
Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Giuseppe Sciara, Anna M. MastrangeloFrancesca Desiderio, Steven S. Xu5, Justin Faris, Matthew J. Hayden, Penny J. Tricker, Hakan Ozkan, Viviana Echenique, Brian J. Steffenson, Ron Knox, Abdoul A. Niane, Sripada M. Udupa, FriedrichThe Global Durum Wheat Panel (GDP): An International Platform to Identify and Exchange Beneficial AllelesFrontiers in Plant ScienceREAD
Rehman S, Amouzoune M, Hiddar H, Kehel, Z, et al.Traits discovery in Hordeum vulgare sbsp. spontaneum accessions and in lines derived from interspecific crosses with wild Hordeum species for enhancing barley breeding efforts. Crop Science. 2020;1–15.Crop ScienceREAD
Aberkane, H., Payne, T., Kishi, M. Smyle, M, Amri, A, & Nelissa JamoraTransferring diversity of goat grass to farmers’ fields through the development of synthetic hexaploid wheatFood SecurityREAD
Fadoua Abdallah, Shiv Kumar, Ahmed Amri, Rachid Mentag, Zakaria Kehel, Rajia Kchaou Mejri, Zine El Abidine Triqui, Kamal Hejjaoui, Michael Baum, Moez AmriWild Lathyrus species as a great source of resistance for introgression into cultivated grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) against broomrape weeds (Orobanche crenata Forsk. and Orobanche foetida Poir.). Crop Science. 2020;1−14.Crop ScienceREAD
Sansaloni, C., Franco, J., Santos, B. … Kehel, Z, … et al. Diversity analysis of 80,000 wheat accessions reveals consequences and opportunities of selection footprints.Nature CommunicationsREAD
ICARDA staff at the crop genetic resources collection in the new Terbol facility in Lebanon. This collection contains the world’s largest collection of wild cereals including barley, wheat, lentil and grasspea. Credit: Shawn Landersz