
World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

Genetic Resources Unit

The Genetic Resources Unit of World Agroforestry (ICRAF) conserves a wide diversity of about 190 species. These are wild, partially domesticated and domesticated trees used in agroforestry systems to supply fruit, timber, medicines and other products.

Many accessions are maintained in field genebanks managed in collaboration with national partners. The field genebanks supply propagating material to local partners in addition to gathering valuable data on the performance of the accessions.

The genebank works closely with research partners to supply agroforestry tree diversity for ICRAF domestication programs and other researchers.

In addition, ICRAF maintains a unique collection of African dryland woody-fodder species.

ICRAF staff carry out basic tests for diseases of quarantine risk. The genebank relies on national partners to monitor plant health in the field genebanks.

Key staff

Leader in Tree Diversity, Domestication and Delivery: Ramni Jamnadass
Acting Head of genebank: Prasad Hendre
Seed scientist: Zakayo Kinyanjui
Genebank Database Officer: Simon Kang’ethe


Multipurpose trees

Key performance indicators of CGIAR genebanks, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
Fruit trees1. Total number of accessions3,6003,6003,6003,6003,6003,6008,2468,2468,2468,246
Fruit trees2. Total number of accessions that are currently available3,3783,3783,6003,6003,6003,6008,2468,2468,2468,246
Fruit trees3. Number of seed accessions3,6003,6003,6003,6003,6003,6008,2468,2468,2468,246
Fruit trees4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Fruit trees5. Number of live plant accessions3,6003,6003,6003,6003,6003,6008,2468,2468,2468,246
Fruit trees6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels0000000
Fruit trees7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro003256106106100000
Fruit trees8. Number of wild species accessions3,5568,1998,1998,1998,199
Multipurpose trees1. Total number of accessions5,3075,4904,5775,3455,5945,9976,3366,4566,6736,744
Multipurpose trees2. Total number of accessions that are currently available4,8824,1221,3412,0842,7353,2924,7284,9236,1476,213
Multipurpose trees3. Number of seed accessions5,3075,4904,5775,3455,5945,9976,3366,4566,6736,744
Multipurpose trees4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Multipurpose trees5. Number of live plant accessions1717171717000
Multipurpose trees6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels0007777777771,0851,0851,1611,161
Multipurpose trees7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Multipurpose trees8. Number of wild species accessions3,2924,7284,9236,1476,213

Genebank operations, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data
Fruit trees1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......008,848
Fruit trees2. Number accessions received01812013100000
Fruit trees3. Number accessions regenerated0000000
Fruit trees4. Number accessions multiplied000119000
Fruit trees5. Number accessions health tested02,1201,4801,5443,6003988,2468,2463,2402,838
Fruit trees6. Number accessions cleaned000052000120
Fruit trees7. Number accessions viability tested0000000
Multipurpose trees1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......006,318
Multipurpose trees2. Number accessions received190504820226121215225971
Multipurpose trees3. Number accessions regenerated0000000000
Multipurpose trees4. Number accessions multiplied3890300000000
Multipurpose trees5. Number accessions health tested290351031172987365317698631,285
Multipurpose trees6. Number accessions cleaned0000000000
Multipurpose trees7. Number accessions viability tested4091122039281,1629176447528281,074

Number of samples distributed to users within and outside the CGIAR, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
All crops1. Total number external germplasm requests1677551,0401,268861916623379274257
Fruit trees2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR2607362,8441,5295,7456,9725771,002411782
Fruit trees3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR06226011,6827,3872,0692,0692,9311,6161,738
Fruit trees4. Total number of samples distributed2601,3583,4453,21113,1329,0412,6463,9332,0272,520
Fruit trees5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR45661322263713365201935
Fruit trees6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR0130776414814914918010475
Fruit trees7. Total number of accessions distributed45196209290185282214200123110
Fruit trees8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA59312424
Fruit trees9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA5745311919
Multipurpose trees2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR401887713982372852813092
Multipurpose trees3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR3322682324083598908851,208382450
Multipurpose trees4. Total number of samples distributed7333563095474419279131,736512542
Multipurpose trees5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR230514556422617303834
Multipurpose trees6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR141927556592981137011899
Multipurpose trees7. Total number of accessions distributed371143120112101324130100156133
Multipurpose trees8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA987011899
Multipurpose trees9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA49887010294

Genebank Platform publications, 2017-2020

Recent publications with at least one CGIAR genebank staff as author. HINT: Use the search key to filter the data.
AuthorsArticle titlePublication nameURL
Tata,H. L., Muchugi, A., Kariba, R., Van Noordwijk, M.Genetic diversity of Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis populations used in tropical peatland restoration in Indonesia.Mires and PeatREAD
Nyoka, B.I., Kamanga, R., Njoloma, J., Jamnadass, R., Mng'omba, S.A., Muwanje, S.Quality of tree seedlings produced in nurseries in Malawi: an assessment of morphological attributes.Forests, Trees and LivelihoodsREAD
Muriira, N., Muchugi, A., Yu, A., Xu, J. C., Liu, A.Genetic diversity analysis reveals genetic differentiation and strong population structure in Calotropis plants.Scientific reportsREAD
Chang, Y., Liu, H., Liu, M., Liao, X., Kumar Sahu, S., Fu, Y., Song, B., Cheng, S., Kariba, R., Muthemba, S., Hendre, P., Mayes, S., Kuan Ho, W., E.J. Yssel, A., Kendabie, P., Wang Linzhou Li, S., Muchugi, A., Jamnadass, R., Lu, H., Peng,S., Van Deynze, A., Simons, A., YanaShapiro, H.,Van de Peer, Y., Xu, X., Yang,H.,Wang, J., Liu, X.The draft genomes of five agriculturally important African orphan crops.Giga ScienceREAD
Cornelius, J.P., Pinedo-Ramírez, R., Sotelo Montes, C., Ugarte-Guerra, L.J., Weber, J.C.Efficiency of early selection in Calycophyllum spruceanum and Guazuma crinita, two fast-growing timber species of the Peruvian Amazon.Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Alain, T., Ebenezar, A., Roger, L., Zacharie, T., Van Damme, P., Daniel, O., Ramni, J.Effects of pre-severance irradiance on the growth of Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. stockplants and on the subsequent rooting capacity of leafy stem cuttings.Journal article (New Forests)READ
Tiep, H.V., Thuong, H., Nguyen, L., Thi Lua, H. Van Thuan, V., Thi Kieu, L., Carsan, S., Degrande, A., Catacutan, D., Harwood, C.Domestication of Docynia indica in Vietnam.Forests, Trees and LivelihoodsREAD
Bazié, P., Ky-Dembele, C., Jourdan, C., Roupsard, O., Zombré, G., & Bayala, JSynchrony in the phenologies of fine roots and leaves of Vitellaria paradoxa in different land uses of Burkina Faso.Agroforestry SystemsREAD
Tsobeng, A., Asaah, E., Tchoundjeu, Z., Van Damme, P., Ofori, O., Jamnadass, R.Growth, flowering and fruiting of stecklings, grafts and seedlings of Allanblackia floribunda Oliver (Clusiaceae).Agroforestry SystemsREAD
Roshetko, J.M., Dawson I.K., Urquiola, J., Lasco, R.D., Leimona, B., Weber, J.C., Bozzano, M., Lillesø, J.P.B., Graudal, L., Jamnadass, R.To what extent are genetic resources considered in environmental service provision? A case study based on trees, carbon sequestration and the Clean Development Mechanism.Climate and DevelopmentREAD
Gachuiri, A.N., Carsan, S., Karanja, E., Parmutia, M., Kuyah, S.Diversity and importance of local fodder tree and shrub resources in mixed farming systems of central Kenya.Forests, Trees and LivelihoodsREAD
Muthai, K., Karori, M., Muchugi, A., Indieka, A.,Dembele, C., Mng’omba, S., Jamnadass, R.Nutritional variation in baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit pulp and seeds based on Africa geographical regions.Journal of Food Science and NutritionREAD
Minja, R.R., Kimaro, A.A., Mpanda, M., Moshy, S., Mwaijande, V.,Ngereza,
A., Ambrose, J., Ndee, A., Kihula, B., Nyalusi, G.
Effects of rootstock type and scion cultivar on
grafting success and growth of mango
(Mangifera indica L.) seedlings.
Journal of Experimental Agriculture InternationalREAD
Tsobeng Alain, Asaah Ebenezar, Leakey Roger, Tchoundjeu Zacharie, Patrick Van Damme, Ofori Daniel, Jamnadass Ramni.Effects of pre-severance irradiance on the growth of Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. stockplants and on the subsequent rooting capacity of leafy stem cuttings.New ForestsREAD
Anna Manourová, Olga Leuner, Zacharie Tchoundjeu, Patrick Van Damme, Vladimír Verner, Ondrej Pribyl and Bohdan LojkaMedicinal Potential, Utilization and Domestication Status of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola Heckel) in West and Central AfricaForestREAD
Thevs N, Gombert AJ, Strenge E, Lleshi R, Aliev K, Emileva BTree wind breaks in Central Asia and their effects on agricultural water consumptionLandREAD
Hardy K, Thevs N, Aliev K, Welp MAfforestation and Reforestation of Walnut Forests in Southern Kyrgyzstan: An Economic PerspectiveMountain Research and DevelopmentREAD
Okao M., Odoi JB. & Okia C.Growth performance of Shea nut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) collections in an ex-situ trial plot in Lira District, UgandaJournal of Agriculture and ResearchREAD
V. J. Msukwa, C. R. Y. Munthali, B. I. Nyoka, E. MissanjoPhenology of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. ProvenancesEmerging Science journalREAD
Violet J. Msukwa, Chimuleke R. Y. Munthali, Betserai I. Nyoka, Edward Missanjo, Alice Muchugi, Clement Okia, Simon Kang’ethe and Herbert JenyaMating System among Provenances of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) HochstInternational Journal of Forestry ResearchREAD
Ky-Dembele, C., Dayamba, S., Savadogo, P., Kalinganire, A., Bayala, J., Muchugi, A., & Ramni, A.Land use dictates diversity, density and regeneration of woody species in southwestern Mali, West AfricaTropical EcologyREAD
Graziosi I, Tembo M, Kuate J and Muchugi A.Pests and diseases of trees in Africa: A growing continental emergency.Plants, People, PlanetREAD
Muthai K U, Indieka A S, Muchugi A, Karori M S, Mng'omba S A, Ky-Dembele C, Jamnadass R HQuantitative variation of fatty acid composition in seed oil from baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) wild populations in sub-Sahara Africa.South African Journal of BotanyREAD
Sahu S. K., Liu M., Yssel A., Kariba R., Muthemba S., Jiang S., Song B., Hendre P.S., Muchugi A., Jamnadass R., Kao S.M., Featherston J., Zerega N.J.C., Xu X., Yang H., Van Deynze A., Van de Peer Y., Liu X. and Liu HDraft Genomes of Two Artocarpus Plants, Jackfruit (A. heterophyllus) and Breadfruit (A. altilis)GenesREAD
Cherotich Sheillah, Njuguna Jane, Muchugi Alice, Muthamia Japhet, Otaye Daniel, Graziosi Ignazio and Kinyanjui Zakayo.Botryosphaeriaceae associated with baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and marula (Sclerocarya birrea A. Rich.) in agroforestry systems in KenyaAfrican Journal of Plant ScienceREAD
Boniface Tientcheu Yogom*, Marie-Louise Avana-Tientcheu, Marcelle Franca Meguem Mboujda, Stephane Takoudjou Momo, Théophile Fonkou, Alain Tsobeng, Adeline Barnaud, & Jérôme DuminilEthnicity Differences in Uses and Management Practices of Bitter Kola Trees (Garcinia kola) in CameroonEconomic BotanyREAD
Juventine Boaz Odoi, Alice Muchugi, Clement Akais Okia, Samson Gwali, Thomas L. OdongLocal knowledge, identification and selection of shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) ethnovarieties for pre-breeding in UgandaThe Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources ScienceREAD
Juventine Boaz Odoi, Thomas L Odong, Clement Akais Okia, Richard Edema, Alice Muchugi, Samson GwaliVariation in phenotypic traits of high oil yielding and early maturing shea trees (Vitellaria paradoxa) selected using local knowledgeThe Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources SciencesREAD
Alain Tsobeng, Michael Akem, Marie-Louise Avana, Alice Muchugi, Ann Degrande, Zacharie Tchoundjeu, Ramni Jamnadass, Fabiola Na’aTree-to-tree variation in fruits of three populations of Trichoscypha acuminata (Engl.) in Cameroon.Scientific AfricanREAD
Kitonga, K., Jamora, N., Smale, M. et al.Use and benefits of tree germplasm from the World Agroforestry genebank for smallholder farmers in KenyaFood SecurityREAD