
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

Genetic Resources Centre

IITA’s genebank is responsible for a range of crops important for food security in Africa. These include seed crops such as Bambara groundnut, cowpea, maize, soybean, African yam bean and other legume species and clonal crops such as banana, cassava and yam, which require very different methods of conservation.

IITA’s medium-term storage. Seeds conserved in medium-term storage are kept at 4 degrees celsius.
IITA’s medium-term storage. Seeds conserved in medium-term storage are kept at 4°C. Credit: Crop Trust

Crops that produce orthodox seeds are maintained in medium-term storage (5°C and 30–35% relative humidity) or long-term storage (–20°C). Clonal crops are maintained in field genebanks and in vitro.

The IITA genebank collaborates with CGIAR breeders of maize, banana, grain legumes and roots and tubers.

The germplasm health unit is well established. Work is taking place to establish a high-throughput procedure for cleaning yam accessions of pests and diseases.

Useful information

Genebank Manager: Michael Abberton
Head of GHU: Lava Kumar
Key staff: Badara Gueye, In vitro specialist; Tchamba Marimagne, Database manager.






External links

IITA Genetic Resources Center Website
Search IITA’s crop databases

Key performance indicators of CGIAR genebanks, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
Banana1. Total number of accessions335247321321321393393393392392
Banana2. Total number of accessions that are currently available94162203203191208228359379386
Banana3. Number of seed accessions0000000
Banana4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions335247321321321393393393392392
Banana5. Number of live plant accessions000000
Banana6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels00000000118
Banana7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro000113118118118118118118
Banana8. Number of wild species accessions-----
Cassava1. Total number of accessions3,4492,7403,2513,3983,3983,1843,1843,1843,1843,184
Cassava2. Total number of accessions that are currently available1,6291,6851,2381,6321,8731,9102,0352,3202,5262,737
Cassava3. Number of seed accessions0000000
Cassava4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions3,4492,7403,2513,3983,3983,1843,1843,1843,1843,184
Cassava5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Cassava6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels00000000
Cassava7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro001,5562,2271,7492,1511,7571,5701,5883,184
Cassava8. Number of wild species accessions25-25--
Cocoyam1. Total number of accessions2725151313130000
Cocoyam2. Total number of accessions that are currently available0000000000
Cocoyam3. Number of seed accessions0000000
Cocoyam4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions2725151313130
Cocoyam5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Cocoyam6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels0000000
Cocoyam7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Cocoyam8. Number of wild species accessions-----
Cowpea1. Total number of accessions15,37115,37115,11315,11515,11517,05117,05117,05117,05117,051
Cowpea2. Total number of accessions that are currently available1,5002,1565,6377,96310,72215,75516,00516,20516,69516,350
Cowpea3. Number of seed accessions15,37115,37115,11315,11515,11517,05117,05117,05117,05117,051
Cowpea4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Cowpea5. Number of live plant accessions00000000
Cowpea6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels8,8108,8108,8108,8108,8108,8108,81011,51214,96214,962
Cowpea7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Cowpea8. Number of wild species accessions1,9361,9361,9361,9361,936
Maize1. Total number of accessions1,5811,5811,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,561
Maize2. Total number of accessions that are currently available6006009009001439481,1481,3781,3781,478
Maize3. Number of seed accessions1,5811,5811,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,5611,561
Maize4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Maize5. Number of live plant accessions0000000000
Maize6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels406406406406406406768768768768
Maize7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Maize8. Number of wild species accessions---
Misc. legumes1. Total number of accessions6,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,7476,7476,747
Misc. legumes2. Total number of accessions that are currently available1,5951,5953191,8212,8735,9306,6206,6206,6206,630
Misc. legumes3. Number of seed accessions6,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,6236,7476,7476,747
Misc. legumes4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions0000000000
Misc. legumes5. Number of live plant accessions000000000
Misc. legumes6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels2,4452,4812,4812,5452,5452,5452,5453,1124,0964,096
Misc. legumes7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro0000000000
Misc. legumes8. Number of wild species accessions-----
Yam1. Total number of accessions3,1563,8013,7895,8395,8395,8395,8395,8395,8395,929
Yam2. Total number of accessions that are currently available0881806538641,2201,4331,5041,5041,504
Yam3. Number of seed accessions0000000
Yam4. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions3,1563,8013,7895,8395,8395,8395,8395,8395,8395,929
Yam5. Number of live plant accessions0000000
Yam6. Number of seed accessions held in long-term storage and safety duplicated at two levels000000000
Yam7. Number of vegetatively-propagated accessions in cryopreservation or safety duplicated as in vitro001,0351,2431,0211,2328822,0732,0762,874
Yam8. Number of wild species accessions441441441--

Genebank operations, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data
Banana1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......275275275
Banana2. Number accessions received0012303700000
Banana3. Number accessions regenerated00107039300392
Banana4. Number accessions multiplied582462632317321786393393392392
Banana5. Number accessions health tested7945147024444281652013
Banana6. Number accessions cleaned037860531720131207
Banana7. Number accessions viability tested0000000
Cassava1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......3,1843,1843,184
Cassava2. Number accessions received0000392,1510000
Cassava3. Number accessions regenerated00002423,1843,1843,1843,1843,184
Cassava4. Number accessions multiplied2,7872,1644,1282,4282,4692,4702,7212,7693,0306,230
Cassava5. Number accessions health tested5415921343544158170238212222
Cassava6. Number accessions cleaned4545620339436737125285206211
Cassava7. Number accessions viability tested0000000
Cocoyam1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......000
Cocoyam2. Number accessions received-------
Cocoyam3. Number accessions regenerated----------
Cocoyam4. Number accessions multiplied-2515131313----
Cocoyam5. Number accessions health tested----------
Cocoyam6. Number accessions cleaned----------
Cocoyam7. Number accessions viability tested-------
Cowpea1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......17,82517,82517,825
Cowpea2. Number accessions received966326001,2930250000
Cowpea3. Number accessions regenerated092402,3650222250200450100
Cowpea4. Number accessions multiplied30002,20008312051,69825090205
Cowpea5. Number accessions health tested06592,5913,4613,0063,2981,4572,027817817
Cowpea6. Number accessions cleaned06562,3602,8492,7592,1681,4501,250386386
Cowpea7. Number accessions viability tested4,78711,3726,8796,8791,0001,0001,939100215150
Maize1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......1,5611,5611,561
Maize2. Number accessions received199000000000
Maize3. Number accessions regenerated000001000913053
Maize4. Number accessions multiplied001004598200200230200100
Maize5. Number accessions health tested00045100200300230133216
Maize6. Number accessions cleaned0004598161300219118200
Maize7. Number accessions viability tested068927279813610010020050
Misc. legumes1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......000
Misc. legumes2. Number accessions received0004737401812400
Misc. legumes3. Number accessions regenerated00001,94617417301,346800
Misc. legumes4. Number accessions multiplied01,0101,5321,41808881002001,996200
Misc. legumes5. Number accessions health tested06501,4261,9461,31470283500600
Misc. legumes6. Number accessions cleaned06001,1691,3851,11070080300581
Misc. legumes7. Number accessions viability tested0182,4281,4475681,000100300310410
Yam1. Number of accessions with passport & characterization data available.......5,8395,8395,930
Yam2. Number accessions received000000009090
Yam3. Number accessions regenerated000005,8395,8395,839885,929
Yam4. Number accessions multiplied1,8061,2313,2761,9235,8362,3542,8812,9373,50912,030
Yam5. Number accessions health tested09811058259440328322500
Yam6. Number accessions cleaned0881034734833562137100
Yam7. Number accessions viability tested0000000

Number of samples distributed to users within and outside the CGIAR, 2012-2021

HINT: Use the search key to filter the data. For descriptions of performance indicators, click here.
All crops1. Total number external germplasm requests91305925616111210310071112
Banana2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR61000116271010211948
Banana3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR801312569661446148
Banana4. Total number of samples distributed14100131175279761658096
Banana5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR64024271010201948
Banana6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR401312578661426148
Banana7. Total number of accessions distributed10413255288761628096
Banana8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA661426144
Banana9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA46601345216
Cassava2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR8000591184730
Cassava3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR20124332421560913
Cassava4. Total number of samples distributed100124382511331071213
Cassava5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR800059204430
Cassava6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR2012433209359911
Cassava7. Total number of accessions distributed10012438218231031211
Cassava8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA35998
Cassava9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA19933988
Cocoyam2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR0000000
Cocoyam3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR0000000
Cocoyam4. Total number of samples distributed0000000000
Cocoyam5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR0000000
Cocoyam6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR0000000
Cocoyam7. Total number of accessions distributed0000000000
Cocoyam8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA0
Cocoyam9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA00
Cowpea2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR2831,544751713950395310150117
Cowpea3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR3681653441,3348021,7373,7828061,9551,687
Cowpea4. Total number of samples distributed6511,7091,0952,0471,7521,7403,8771,1162,1051,804
Cowpea5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR2731,08451532992539130712781
Cowpea6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR3581492917646931,5213,4886881,7371,619
Cowpea7. Total number of accessions distributed6311,2338061,0931,6181,5243,5799951,8641,700
Cowpea8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA3,4886881,7371,619
Cowpea9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA1,3652,4726461,6371,479
Maize2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR000056000064
Maize3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR175129605620122528513297
Maize4. Total number of samples distributed17512960112201225285132161
Maize5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR000056000064
Maize6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR173829595619919519312795
Maize7. Total number of accessions distributed17382959112199195193127159
Maize8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA19919519312795
Maize9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA19919519312593
Misc. legumes2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR1365500664102063960
Misc. legumes3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR5965369061,9026701,0521,3851,9341,7061,953
Misc. legumes4. Total number of samples distributed7325411,4062,5667721,0521,3851,9731,7121,953
Misc. legumes5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR133546657697063760
Misc. legumes6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR5643586851,1736307058881,5721,3171,463
Misc. legumes7. Total number of accessions distributed6973631,1511,7497277058941,6091,3231,463
Misc. legumes8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA8881,5721,3171,462
Misc. legumes9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA6328881,3741,215895
Yam2. Number of samples distributed within the CGIAR00942013532034310
Yam3. Number of samples distributed outside the CGIAR2027382871993127177
Yam4. Total number of samples distributed20364584112429127158177
Yam5. Number of accessions distributed within the CGIAR0092812522024130
Yam6. Number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR2027372571993126114
Yam7. Total number of accessions distributed2036653712329117139114
Yam8. Total number of accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA993126114
Yam9. Total number of unique accessions distributed outside the CGIAR with SMTA67993126114

Genebank Platform publications, 2017-2020

Recent publications with at least one CGIAR genebank staff as author. HINT: Use the search key to filter the data.
AuthorsArticle titlePublication nameURL
onibare, M. A., I. O. Ayoola, B. Gueye, M. T. Abberton, R. D’Souza and N. KuhnertLeaves metabolomic profiling of Musa acuminataaccessions using UPLC–QTOF–MS/MS and their antioxidant activity.Journal of Food Measurement and CharacterizationREAD
Lebot, V., Malapa, R., Abraham, K., Molisale, T., Van Kien, N., Gueye, B., Waki, J.Secondary metabolites content may clarify the traditional selection process.Genetic Resources and Crop EvolutionREAD
Whitehouse, K.J., Owoborode, O.F., Adebayo,O.O., Oyatomi,O., Olaniyan,A., Abberton,M., Hay, F.R.Further evidence that the genebank standards for drying orthodox seeds.Biopreservation and BiobankingREAD
Fatokun, C., Girma, G., Abberton, M., Gedil,M., Unachukwu, N., Oyatomi, O., Yusuf, M. Rabbi, I.Y., Boukar, O.Genetic diversity and population structure of a mini-core subset.Scientific ReportsREAD
Choudhary, N., Bawa, V., Paliwal, R., Singh, B., Bhat, M., Mir, J.I., Gupta, M., Sofi, P.A., Thudi, M., Varshney, R.K., Mir., R.R.Gene/QTL discovery for Anthracnose in common bean.PLoS-ONEREAD
Kumari, S., Jaiswal, V.,Kumar Mishra, V., Paliwal, R., Singh Balyan, H., Kumar Gupta., P.QTL mapping for some grain traits in bread wheat.Physiol Mol Biol PlantsREAD
Vincent Lebot Benjamin Faloye Eric Okon Badara GueyeSimultaneous quantification of allantoin and steroidal saponins in yam (Dioscorea spp.)Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic PlantsREAD
Jekayinoluwa, T. , Gueye, B. , Bhattacharjee, R. , Osibanjo, O.* , Shah, T. , Abberton, M.Agromorphologic, genetic and methylation profiling of Dioscorea and Musa species multiplied under three micropropagation systemsPLoS OneREAD
Mayes, S. , Ho, W. K.* , Chai, H. H.* , Gao, X.* , Kundy, A. C.* , Mateva, K. I.* , Zahrulakmal, M.* , Hahiree, M. K.* , Kendabie, P. , Licea, L. C. , Massawe, C.* , Mabhaudhi, T.* , Modi, A. T.* , Berchie, J. N.* , Amoah, S.* , Faloye, B. , Abberton, M. , Oyatomi, O. , Azam-Ali, S. N.Bambara groundnut: an exemplar underutilised legume for resilience under climate changePlantaREAD
Adegboyega, T. T. , Abberton, M. , Abdelgadir, A. H. , Dianda, M. , Maziya-Dixon, B. , Oyatomi, O. , Ofodile, S. , Babalola, O. O.(Nutrient and antinutrient composition of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) seeds and tubersJournal of Food QualityREAD
Paliwal R, Abberton M, Faloye B, Olaniyi O.Developing the role of legumes in West Africa under climate change.Current Opinion in Plant BiologyREAD
T.M. Jones, O.A. Oyatomi*, B.O. Akinyele, A.C. Odiyi, M.T. Abberton & F.R. Hay*Effect of high temperature drying on seed longevity of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) accessions.Seed Science and TechnologyREAD
Ibukun O. Ayoola-Oresanya, Mubo A. Sonibare, Badara Gueye, Rajneesh Paliwal, Michael T. Abberton, Gertrud E. Morlock.Effect-directed profiling and identification of bioactive metabolites from field, in vitro -grown and acclimatized Musa spp. accessions using high-performance thin-layer chromatography-mass spectrometry.Journal of ChromatographyREAD
Aberkane H, Amri A, Belkadi B, Kehel Z, et al.Evaluation of durum wheat lines derived from interspecific crosses under drought and heat stressCrop ScienceREAD
Awa Sarr, Amy Bodian, Kodjo Mawuena Gbedevi, Khadidiatou Ndoye Ndir, Oyatomi Olaniyi Ajewole, Badara Gueye, Daniel Foncéka, Elisabeth A.M.C. Diop, Baye Magatte Diop, Ndiaga Cissé, & Diaga DioufGenetic diversity and population structure analyses of wild relatives and cultivated cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) from Senegal using simple sequence repeat markers.Plant Molecular Biology ReporterREAD
Tamiru, A., Paliwal, R., Manthi, S.J. et al.Genome wide association analysis of a stemborer egg induced “call-for-help” defence trait in maizeSci RepREAD
Sharif B. M., Burgarella C., Cormier F., Mournet P., Causse S., Van K. N., Kaoh J., Rajaonah M. T., Lakshan S. R., Waki J., Bhattacharjee R., Gueye B., Pachakkil B., Arnau G., Chair H. (2020).Genome-wide genotyping elucidates the geographical diversification and dispersal of the polyploid and clonally propagated yam (Dioscorea alata L.).Annals of BotanyREAD
Bhattacharjee, R. , Agre, A. P. , Bauchet, G. J. , De Koeyer, D . , Lopez-Montes, A. , Kumar, P. L. , Abberton, M. , Adebola, P. O. , Asfaw, A. , Asiedu, R.Genotyping-by-sequencing to unlock genetic diversity and population structure in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata poir.)AgronomyREAD
Boukar, O. , Abberton, M. , Oyatomi, O. , Togola, A. , Tripathi, L. , Fatokun, C.Introgression breeding in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp.]Frontiers in Plant ScienceREAD
McCouch, S. , Navabi, K. , Abberton, M. , Anglin, N. L. , Barbieri, R. L.* , Baum, M. , Bett, K. , Booker, H. , Brown, G. L. , Bryan, G. L. , Cattivelli, L. , Charest, D. , Eversole, K. , Freitas, M. , Ghamkhar, K. , Grattapaglia, D.* , Henry, R. , InglisMobilizing Crop BiodiversityMolecular PlantREAD
Sánchez-Gutiérrez, R.A., Hanson, J., Jones, C., Jurado-Guerra, P., Santellano-Estrada, E., Melgoza-Castillo, A. & Morales-Nieto, C.Morphological characterization of buffelgrass with potential for forage and seed productionRevista Fitotecnia MexicanaREADá>
Hanson, J. & Ellis, R.H.Progress and challenges in ex situ conservation of forage germplasm: Grasses, herbaceous legumes and fodder treesPlantsREAD
Moita-Nassy, M. , Hauser, S. , Egwakhide, M. , Batawila, K.* , Kulakow, P. , Abberton, M.Rendement en feuilles et racines de trois varietes ameliorees de manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) en reponse aux fertilisants organo-mineraux et a la recolte des feuilles au Sud-Ouest du NigeriaInternational Journal of Biological and Chemical SciencesREAD