
Diversity Trees

The Crop Trust has developed 22 crop genepool “diversity trees” based on consultations with 60 experts and about 375 scientific papers.

The trees are representations of the overall structure of crop diversity obtained by dividing the diversity within a crop genepool in a hierarchical manner (Van Treueren et al. 2009).

The structure of the tree is based on published information and consultation with experts.

Genebank accessions are mapped onto the trees and visualizations developed to help assess where genetic groups are well represented or not at all in CGIAR collections.

The trees are published in Genesys in the corresponding crop pages; the name of the experts consulted is listed on the same pages.

Posters, highlighting landraces diversity in CGIAR collections, are available for the following crops:

These posters were also displayed as part of at a side event at the eight sessions of the governing body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

Van Treuren, R., Engels, J. M. M., Hoekstra, R., & van Hintum, T. J. (2009). Optimization of the composition of crop collections for ex situ conservation. Plant Genetic Resources7(2), 185-193.



The Genebanks

The 11 CGIAR genebanks currently conserve 730,000 of cereals and grain legumes, forage crops, tree species, root and tuber crops, bananas and crop wild relatives.