

The Contribution of the International Rice Genebank (IRG) to varietal improvement and farm productivity in Eastern India

Donald Villanueva, Genebank Impacts Fellow

Donald is currently an Associate Scientist working on impact assessment projects in the Impact Evaluation and Learning (IEL) cluster under Agri-food Policy Platform in the IRRI. While working at IRRI, he was selected as one of the Genebank Impacts Fellows of the Crop Trust in 2018 to evaluate the impact of the IRG on varietal improvement in India. He has an MSc in Economics and BSc in Statistics from the University of the Philippines Los Baños. Before joining the IEL cluster in 2017, he served as an Assistant Scientist under the Gender Research Team of IRRI where he was involved in the data collection, validation, and analysis of gender-related studies in South and Southeast Asia

The Genebanks

The 11 CGIAR genebanks currently conserve 730,000 of cereals and grain legumes, forage crops, tree species, root and tuber crops, bananas and crop wild relatives.